Lanzarote’s island rose from the sea about 19 million years ago. It is known as a volcanic island, and the volcanoes are dominant in Lanzarote’s landscape. Volcanic eruptions have been common and destructing. Biggest destructions took place between 1730 and 1736.

These eruptions also created the island’s unique landscape, such as the Timanfaya and Montañas del Fuego mountains. Nowadays these volcanoes are not so dangerous, and they are not expected to erupt at least for the next two hundred years.

In general, the island is very bare, and there is not much green vegetation to enjoy. The beauty of the island is therefore found in its rough and rocky landscape and low white limestone buildings that are loved and cherished by locals and foreigners alike. Light colors dominate Lanzarote’s landscape and give the island a totally unique look. The island of Lanzarote was most likely the first Canary Island to be inhabited.


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